
The Belair Family Health Centre has joined thousands of healthcare providers across Australia in registering in MyMedicare, a new voluntary registration system that will help us formalise the relationship between us and our patients.

MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration model that will provide some extra Medicare benefits to all patients who have a Medicare Card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran card. You will only receive these additional benefits by registering your preferred clinic with Medicare.

Make our clinic your home clinic!

If you would like to choose our medical centre as your preferred home clinic, there will be options for patients to register online or in person.

Patients who register with our practice in MyMedicare may benefit from:

  • longer MBS-funded telephone consultations, from 1st November 2023
  • longer bulk billed telehealth consultations for children under 16 and commonwealth concession card holders at the new triple bulk billing rate, from 1st November 2023

Formalising the patient-practice relationship, like with MyMedicare, has been shown to improve health and wellbeing, and that is why we are inviting all of our regular patients to register in MyMedicare.

If you have a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran card and have had

two face-to-face consultations with us in the last 24 months, you are eligible for MyMedicare.

No, registration is free and optional.

Registration is easy. To register as a MyMedicare patient, you can:

  • Complete the registration process in your Medicare Online Account
  • or using the Express Plus Medicare mobile app
  • Alternatively, complete the HotDoc Registration Form via Belair Family Health Centre – MyMedicare Registration
    Form HotDoc and one of our Healthcare Assistants will process the registration on your behalf.
  • Or complete the physical registration form.


Ask about MyMedicare next time you talk to us

More information is available here

No, registration is voluntary. You can choose not to register, but you will miss out on the extra Medicare benefits that you could be receiving by choosing our medical centre as your preferred ‘home clinic’.

No, the goal of MyMedicare is to help strengthen the relationship you have with your preferred medical centre and doctor. Children are exempt from needing to have visited their GP twice in the past 24 months.

Registration is optional for all patients. If you want to receive the MyMedicare benefits for your children, you will need to register each child with MyMedicare and choose their preferred clinic and GP.

No. You can visit any medical centre or doctor you like; however, you will only receive the extra Medicare benefits at your chosen ‘home’ clinic. If you change your mind, you can also unregister at any time.

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Our online booking system is available for existing and new patients of the clinic.

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